4. Graph the inequality: x ≤ –2 (1 point)

i think it means xi less then or equal to -2

draw the vertical line x = -2

shade in the region to the left of the line, including the line

To graph the inequality x ≤ -2, follow these steps:

Step 1: Draw a number line.
Step 2: Mark the point -2 on the number line. You can do this by drawing a small dot above or below the point -2.
Step 3: Shade the region to the left of -2. Since x is less than or equal to -2, any value on the number line that is to the left of -2 is a possible solution for x. To represent this on the graph, shade the region to the left of -2.

The graph of the inequality x ≤ -2 will look like this:

-4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 ...


The shaded region represents all values of x that satisfy the inequality x ≤ -2.