
Choose the correct option to complete the sentence

Choose the correct option to complete the sentence

1. Marco y Ana ______________ en Acapulco por 3 semanas
A. estuvo
B. estuvieron
C. estuvimos
D. estuvisteis

My answer: A

Yo no _____________ comprar ropa muy cara en la tienda.
A. quise
B. quisiste
C. quiso
D. queri
My answer: D

3) Ayer, Marcos ______________ su carro nuevo.

A. condujo

B. conduje

C. condujiste

D. conduzco

El año pasado yo ______________ la verdad.

A. sabí

B. supo

C. supiste

D. supe

5) Ana ________________ sus secretos a su mejor amiga.

A. dijiste

B. dijimos

C. dijo

D. dije

6) Mi abuelo ___________ muchos regalos para nosotros.

A. trajo

B. traje

C. trajio

D. trajiste
My answer:A

7) Los libros no ___________ en la caja.

A. cupe

B. cupiste

C. cupo

D. cupieron
My answer:D

8) Yo ___________ en las montañas de Colorado el mes pasado.

A. ande

B. anduve

C. anduvo

D. ando
My answer:B

9) Tú ______________ mucho a tu exnovia.

A. quiero

B. quise

C. quiere

D. quisiste
My answer:D

10) Ustedes ______________ pasar todos los exámenes sin problemas.

A. pudiste

B. pudieron

C. pudisteis

D. pudimos
My answer: D

I'll send this to our Spanish expert, SraJMcGin.

Thank you.

The first thing to learn is to find the SUBJECT. If it is plural, so is the verb. Obviously you are studying the Preterit. Let's take the first verb: estar

yo estuve
tú estuviste
él, ella, usted estuvo
nosotros, nosotras estuvimos
vosotros, vosotras estuvisteis
ellos, ellas, ustedes estuvieron

OK. Study that and then try again. I'll be back to see what you choose now. HINT: The incorrect ones are 1, 2, 10. Remember that these are Irregular Unstressed Ending Preterit.


1. B.



Are those corect now?


Sí, claro = Yes, indeed!


Thanks :)

I got a 14 out of 20 points on my test and i put the same answer and got 3 wrong

Question 1
0 out of 2 points

1. Marco y Ana ______________ en Acapulco por 3 semanas
Question 9
0 out of 2 points

Ustedes ______________ pasar todos los exámenes sin problemas.

Question 10
0 out of 2 points

Yo no _____________ comprar ropa muy cara en la tienda.

do you even Know Verbos irregulares en pasado.

To check if your answers are correct, we will go through each question and explain how to get the correct answer.

1. Marco y Ana ______________ en Acapulco por 3 semanas
In this sentence, we have two subjects (Marco and Ana), which means we need a verb form that agrees with the plural subject. The correct option is B, "estuvieron".

2. Yo no _____________ comprar ropa muy cara en la tienda.
In this sentence, we need a verb form that indicates the past tense of "querer" (to want). The correct option is A, "quise".

3. Ayer, Marcos ______________ su carro nuevo.
For this sentence, we need a verb form that indicates the past tense of "conducir" (to drive). The correct option is A, "condujo".

4. El año pasado yo ______________ la verdad.
In this sentence, we need a verb form that indicates the past tense of "saber" (to know). The correct option is D, "supe".

5. Ana ________________ sus secretos a su mejor amiga.
For this sentence, we need a verb form that indicates the past tense of "decir" (to say). The correct option is C, "dijo".

6. Mi abuelo ___________ muchos regalos para nosotros.
In this sentence, we need a verb form that indicates the past tense of "traer" (to bring). The correct option is A, "trajo".

7. Los libros no ___________ en la caja.
For this sentence, we need a verb form that indicates the past tense of "caber" (to fit). The correct option is C, "cupo".

8. Yo ___________ en las montañas de Colorado el mes pasado.
In this sentence, we need a verb form that indicates the past tense of "andar" (to walk). The correct option is B, "anduve".

9. Tú ______________ mucho a tu exnovia.
For this sentence, we need a verb form that indicates the past tense of "querer" (to want). The correct option is D, "quisiste".

10. Ustedes ______________ pasar todos los exámenes sin problemas.
In this sentence, we need a verb form that indicates the past tense of "poder" (to be able to). The correct option is B, "pudieron".

Based on the explanations above, your answers are as follows:

1. A - Incorrect, the correct answer is B.
2. D - Incorrect, the correct answer is A.
3. A - Correct.
4. D - Correct.
5. C - Correct.
6. A - Correct.
7. D - Incorrect, the correct answer is C.
8. B - Correct.
9. D - Correct.
10. D - Incorrect, the correct answer is B.

You have 6 correct answers out of 10.