adding polynomials (3g squared+2hg)+5g squared+hg-9h squared g) I know you have to combine like terms but I'm lost after that need to show all work thanks

To add polynomials, you need to combine the like terms, which means adding or subtracting the coefficients of the same variables.

Given the polynomial expression:
(3g^2 + 2hg) + (5g^2 + hg - 9h^2g)

Step 1: Grouping the terms according to variables
Combine the like terms by grouping them together based on the variables they have.

(3g^2 + 5g^2) + (2hg + hg) - 9h^2g

Step 2: Adding the coefficients of the like terms
Add or subtract the coefficients of the like terms to simplify the expression further.

(3 + 5)g^2 + (2 + 1)hg - 9h^2g

Step 3: Simplify further if possible
If any like terms can be combined, do so to simplify the expression.

8g^2 + 3hg - 9h^2g

So, the simplified expression after adding the polynomials is 8g^2 + 3hg - 9h^2g.