What advice do you think John Locke would give to American politicians today?

I think he would tell them to get their priorities straight and focus on the big picture of how much this is affecting our nation. also that they need to really think about how to resolve this problem rather than putting it off.

I'll be glad to discuss your answer with you.

I said "I think John Locke heavily influenced American thinking. His idea of the Social Contract gave American the reason, even responsibility, to break away from England. We based our constitution on the philosophy of John Locke." but I need a little more.

Now you need to imagine what Locke would say to today's politicians.

well see, that's my problem. I cant really think of what he would say to American politicians today. I think he'd probably say something about our priorities or our unity as a nation. but that's as far as ive gotten

OK. Let's take a big problem today.

Congress can't agree on a budget, which they should do by the end of the year. Each party blames the other side for not compromising. It looks as though the country will "go off the fiscal cliff" if Congress people can't agree on the budget.


What would John Locke say to them?

I agree!

yay! thanks so much! :D

You're very welcome. :-)

To understand what advice John Locke would give to American politicians today, we can refer to his philosophical ideas on governance and individual rights. John Locke was an influential Enlightenment thinker whose ideas greatly influenced the development of democratic societies, including the United States.

Locke believed in natural rights, including life, liberty, and property. He argued that government's primary role is to protect these rights, and that it derives its legitimacy from the consent of the governed. Based on these principles, John Locke might offer the following advice to American politicians today:

1. Uphold individual rights: Locke would emphasize the importance of protecting individual rights, including freedom of speech, assembly, and religion. He would encourage politicians to ensure that legislation and policy decisions respect and promote these rights.

2. Limited government: Locke advocated for limited government power, believing that it should be restrained by a constitution and a system of checks and balances. American politicians today might be advised to pursue policies that limit the size and scope of government to avoid encroachment on individual liberties.

3. Consent of the governed: Locke's theory of government posited that it should have the consent of the governed. American politicians today could be urged to actively engage with their constituents, listen to their concerns, and involve them in the decision-making process.

4. Rule of law: Locke believed in the importance of the rule of law, where laws are applied equally to all citizens. American politicians might be encouraged to support the fair and impartial administration of justice, ensuring that all individuals are treated equally under the law.

5. Protection of property: Locke considered the protection of private property as crucial to a just society. He argued that governments should safeguard individuals' property rights. American politicians today could be advised to promote policies that foster economic freedom and protect private property rights.

To implement Locke's principles effectively, American politicians must study his writings and engage in thoughtful discourse and critical thinking. Additionally, they should consult legal scholars, political theorists, and engage in public debate to arrive at sound policy decisions that align with the values of individual rights and limited government.