The punctuation mark that means "note what follows" is:

A) Colon
B) Comma
C) Period
D) Semicolon
My answer is A, but I feel it could be D too

Colon is correct.

Semicolons separate two clauses or confusing lists of terms.

Thanks that's were I was stuck was with the semicolons:)

The punctuation mark that signifies "note what follows" is the colon (A).

A colon is used to introduce a list, explanation, or clarification in a sentence. It indicates that what comes after it provides further information or elaboration on what was mentioned before it.

To determine the correct answer to this question, you can analyze the functions of each punctuation mark option provided.

A comma (B) is not the correct answer because it is used to separate items in a list or to separate clauses in a sentence.

A period (C) is also not the correct answer as it is used to end a sentence.

On the other hand, a semicolon (D) is used to join two closely related independent clauses without a coordinating conjunction. While it does indicate a connection between the clauses, it does not explicitly denote "note what follows."

Therefore, the punctuation mark that best represents "note what follows" is the colon (A).