Select the sentence fragment:

A) After he was given a loading dose of Dilantin.
B) An incision was made over McBurney's point.
C) She has difficulty hearing.
D) There was some evidence of developmental delay.

My answer is A, but I feel it could be B too

A is correct -- it's a fragment.

B is a complete sentence because it has a subject and verb >> incision was made.

Thanks Ms Sue:)

You're welcome, Marie.

The sentence fragment is a group of words that do not form a complete sentence on their own. To determine the sentence fragment in the given options, we need to identify if any of them lack a subject, a verb, or both.

In option A, "After he was given a loading dose of Dilantin," we have a subject ("he") and a verb ("was given"), so it is not a sentence fragment. It is a dependent clause that can be part of a complete sentence.

In option B, "An incision was made over McBurney's point," we have a subject ("An incision") and a verb ("was made"), which makes it a complete sentence, not a fragment.

In option C, "She has difficulty hearing," we have a subject ("She") and a verb ("has"), making it a complete sentence.

In option D, "There was some evidence of developmental delay," we have a subject ("There") and a verb ("was"), so it is also a complete sentence, not a fragment.

Therefore, the correct answer is A) "After he was given a loading dose of Dilantin." It is a dependent clause and cannot stand alone as a complete sentence.