solve each inequality.

1. m – 7 < 6 (1 point)
m < –1
m > 1
m < 13
m < –13
2. y + 5 ≥ 7 (1 point)
y ≤ 2
y ≤ 12
y ≥ 2
y ≥ 12
3. p + 12 > 9 (1 point)
p > 21
p > 3
p > –21
p > –3
4. Translate the following statement into an inequality: Five less than a number is at least nine. (1 point)
x – 5 ≥ 9
x – 9 > 5
x – 5 > 9
x – 5 ≤ 9
5. Which inequality has the solution shown in the graph?

(1 point)
a – 3 ≤ –5
a – 3 < 5
a – 3 < –5
a – 3 > –2


are the correct answers for connexus students in 8th taking
Lesson 6: Graphing and Solving Inequalities
Algebra Readiness (Pre-Algebra) A Unit 7: Equations and Inequalities

Connections academy.

Lesson 6 - Unit 7: Equations and Inequalities

Actually I got an 80% because #2 was B. What the heck. Correct answers-
1. A
2. X - 4.5 ≥ 0.1 (1 point)
a (0 pts) x≥10
b (1 pt) x≥1
c (0 pts) x≥0.1
d (0 pts) x≤1

0/1 point - notes: Some of us have different test, If your question matches my test question then the answer is (B) and if you have a different question choose (C). People were hating on each other thinking they are giving wrong answers but they had a diff test btw. I got it wrong because I chose (C) so please read this.

Rest of answers:
3. D
4. A
5. C

If you want to thank me don't bother responding to this comment, Simply text my Kik: UnitedRunaways.

And for any teachers trying to catch me for cheating, I have (orBot and ToR) so if you track me it will say I'm in Sweden but I'm in the U.S.A. Yes, Outsmarted the outsmarters. Mwahahah.

Tip for fellow teens who have much more simple minds: Don't attend a expensive college unless you have scholarships, Do a local community college and just get a job where you aren't flipping burgers. Honestly you are all going to be failures but, this isn't your fault. Our parents and government have molded us into garbage waiting to die. Save up your money and travel the world cheaply. Start working on actual survival and you can enjoy life. And my mother didn't force me into connections I chose to go here so I can work on Riflery, Archery and survival. Not your average kid.
I'm above average.

Okay so for anyone stuck on this quick check.

The actually answers are


answers are not c c d a c

The real answers are......

1. M<13 or D
2. N> 13 or A
3. P< 5 or B
4. 15 or D
Trust me I just got a 100%.

if your doing lesson 6: Graphing and solving inequalities

Unit 7
1. m-7<6 (1 p)
C m<13
2. x+4.5>5.5
B x>1 ( this > has a bar under it)
3. P+12>9
D P>-3
4. Translate the following statement into an inequality: Five less than a number is at least nine.
A x-5>9 (this > has a bar under it)
5. Which inequaality has the solution shown in the Graph?
C a-3<-5

the guy or girl who goes by Connections Academy is right. Just sumbmited it & got 100! I appreciate people like u! (who get straight to the point and don't try to guilt people by talking crap abt cheating)

the answers are C,B,D,A,C. I got an 80 when I used the other answers. I got #2 wrong, it corrected me and showed me that the answer was B, not C.

got a 100% correct


Okay, so this utterly confused me...

The real answers are:
1.) C
2.) B
3.) D
4.) A
5.) C