
6x + 29 = 5 (1 point)


Raymond buys bottles of water at $2.10 each and a large pizza at $12.99. The total cost was $21.39. How many bottles of water b did he buy? (1 point)

2.10b + 12.99 = 21.39; 4 bottles
2.10 + 12.99b = 21.39; 4 bottles
2.10c = 21.39 + 12.99; 6 bottles
21.39 – 2.10b = 12.99; 16 bottles

For #2, Is the answer -18? Yes, there is no typo.....


6x + 29 = 5
6x = 5 - 29
6x = -24
x = -24/6
x = -4

OK. 9 looks right now. I think I was misreading it before.

Here's the answer.

2.10b + 12.99 = 21.39; 4 bottles

Thanks! They were all right!

You have to watch out for me. I've learned that no matter how I try, I'll make a mistake about 5% of the time.


To solve the equation 6x + 29 = 5, we can follow these steps:

1. Start by subtracting 29 from both sides of the equation to isolate the variable term:
6x + 29 - 29 = 5 - 29
6x = -24

2. Next, divide both sides of the equation by 6 to solve for x:
6x/6 = -24/6
x = -4

So, the value of x in the equation 6x + 29 = 5 is -4.

Regarding your question about the answer for question #2, yes, you are correct. The answer is -4. The other options (-18, 204, -144) are incorrect solutions to the equation.