Circle the verb in each sentence. then think of an exact verb to make the sentence more interesting. rewrite the sentence using your exact verb.

1. One night, Zia concetta goes to the statue.

2. The giant statue moves off the pedestal.

3. the statue's clever plan beats the large army.

4. Today, the statue still is in Barletta, Italy.

This is the third time you've posted these questions and both of the other times you received responses. If you want help, please follow our instructions.

circle when the word means your doing something


1-3 follow ms sue and Joshua but 4 answer=is=state of being


To find the verb in each sentence, we need to identify the action the subject is performing. Let's analyze each sentence and identify the verbs:

1. One night, Zia Concetta goes to the statue.
Verbs: goes

2. The giant statue moves off the pedestal.
Verbs: moves

3. The statue's clever plan beats the large army.
Verbs: beats

4. Today, the statue still is in Barletta, Italy.
Verbs: is

Now, let's think of more precise verbs to replace the original ones and make the sentences more interesting:

1. One night, Zia Concetta gazes at the statue.
(Exact verb: gazes)

2. The giant statue dislodges from the pedestal.
(Exact verb: dislodges)

3. The statue's cunning strategy overpowers the large army.
(Exact verb: overpowers)

4. Today, the statue persists in Barletta, Italy.
(Exact verb: persists)

Remember, these are just suggestions to make the sentences more interesting. Feel free to explore other verbs that might fit each sentence better!