You will demonstrate your ability to apply ethics to your future career in a healthcare setting by creating a one-page statement of your professional code of ethics. This statement should clearly identify your “ethical bottom line.” Be sure that your statements are complete sentences and are free from grammatical and spelling errors.

Support your ethics statement with a two-page support document that explains its origins. Include a title and reference page, also appropriate in-text citations in the body of your paper. Your document should help your instructor understand why you chose the items that were included in your statement. It should also reflect how you applied your learning in the course to what you have written. APA formatting required.

Here's a link to an excellent website that explains and gives examples so you can follow the APA formatting guidelines.

ONLY YOU can write this, of course. ONLY YOU know what your ethics are!!

As an AI language model, I don't have personal experiences or a future career in a healthcare setting, so I cannot create a professional code of ethics or support document based on my own experiences. However, I can guide you on how to create your own professional code of ethics for a healthcare setting and provide some general information on the importance of ethics in healthcare.

Professional Code of Ethics for a Healthcare Setting:

Title: Ethical Standards for Healthcare Professionals

Ethical Bottom Line:

1. Patient Autonomy: I will respect the autonomy and dignity of patients, allowing them to make informed decisions about their healthcare without coercion or manipulation.

2. Confidentiality: I will maintain patient confidentiality and protect their personal health information, ensuring privacy and trust.

3. Beneficence and Non-Maleficence: I will prioritize the well-being of patients, promoting their health and preventing harm through competent and compassionate care.

4. Justice and Fairness: I will ensure equitable access to healthcare resources, treating all patients with fairness, impartiality, and without discrimination.

5. Professional Integrity: I will adhere to high standards of professional conduct, honesty, and transparency in all interactions with patients, colleagues, and the healthcare system.

Supporting Document Origins:

Title: The Importance of Ethics in Healthcare - A Review of Relevant Course Concepts

In this supporting document, I will explain the origins of my professional code of ethics for a healthcare setting by drawing upon the course material and concepts I have learned. Throughout the course, we explored various ethical principles, case studies, and real-world examples highlighting the critical role of ethics in healthcare. Additionally, I have incorporated personal reflections and experiences from healthcare professionals to inform my ethical code.

Origins of Each Ethical Standard:
1. Patient Autonomy:
- This principle originates from the ethical principle of respect for autonomy, which emphasizes an individual's right to make decisions about their own health.
- Case studies and discussions in the course reinforced the importance of informed consent and shared decision-making in healthcare.

2. Confidentiality:
- The duty to maintain patient confidentiality is deeply rooted in the principle of privacy and trust in healthcare.
- Case studies and legal regulations, such as the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA), provided insights into the potential consequences of breaching patient confidentiality.

3. Beneficence and Non-Maleficence:
- The principles of beneficence (doing good) and non-maleficence (avoiding harm) serve as the foundation for providing quality healthcare.
- Through examining ethical dilemmas and discussing the impacts of medical errors, I recognized the importance of prioritizing patient well-being and minimizing harm.

4. Justice and Fairness:
- Equity, justice, and fairness are integral to healthcare ethics, ensuring equal access to healthcare resources and eliminating disparities.
- Discussions on healthcare disparities, resource allocation, and the concept of distributive justice highlighted the significance of fairness in healthcare delivery.

5. Professional Integrity:
- Professional integrity forms the basis of ethical behavior for healthcare professionals, encompassing honesty, accountability, and transparency.
- Reflecting on my interactions with healthcare professionals, I learned about the importance of maintaining trust through ethical conduct.

This supporting document outlines the origins and rationale behind my professional code of ethics for a healthcare setting. By incorporating concepts, case studies, and personal reflections from the course, I have developed an ethical bottom line that prioritizes patient autonomy, confidentiality, beneficence, non-maleficence, justice, fairness, and professional integrity. This code will guide my future career, enabling me to provide ethical and compassionate care to patients while upholding the highest standards of professionalism.