I need to know what an over controlled, under controlled and reilient child's personality is like

It's difficult to generalize, but usually the over-controlled child is fearful of doing anything without an adult's explicit permission. The under-controlled child is likely to be wild and impulsive. The resilient child is likely to be cooperative and independent.

Research shows that the____ is an important factor in a child's development

To understand the personality traits of an over-controlled, under-controlled, and resilient child, it's important to first define these terms:

1. Over-controlled: An over-controlled child typically displays a personality characterized by being cautious, rule-oriented, and anxious. They have a tendency to adhere strictly to rules and regulations, exhibit perfectionist tendencies, and may struggle with adapting to changes or taking risks. In social situations, they may display a reserved or cautious demeanor.

2. Under-controlled: An under-controlled child is characterized by impulsivity, low self-control, and difficulty following rules. They tend to be more prone to acting out, disregarding authority, and displaying impulsive or aggressive behaviors. They may have difficulty managing their emotions, making it challenging for them to conform to societal norms or guidelines.

3. Resilient: A resilient child possesses a set of personality traits that enable them to face adversity, bounce back from setbacks, and adapt to challenges. They display qualities such as emotional stability, optimism, persistence, and problem-solving skills. Resilient children can effectively cope with stress, manage their emotions, and recover from difficult situations, ultimately thriving in the face of obstacles.

To identify these personality traits in a child, it's important to observe their behavior, reactions, and interactions in various contexts such as home, school, and social environments. It may be helpful to communicate with teachers, parents, or professionals who have frequent contact with the child to gain a comprehensive understanding of their personality tendencies.

Additionally, psychological assessments or evaluations conducted by professionals can provide further insight into a child's personality traits and help in identifying any specific areas of concern, if applicable.