Find the verb in each sentence.

1. The people believe in the giant.
2. Clearly, the giant cares about the town of Barletta.
3. Unfortunately, an army attacks the town.
4. The people quickly identify the trouble.
5. With a little thought, the giant solves the problem.
6. He cuts an onion into two pieces.
7. The tears run down his face.
8. the army fears the giant and his friends.
9. At the end of the story the soldiers leave town.

What is the physical action and mental action in the above verb in each sentence.

Study these sites.

I'll be glad to check your answers.

believe, cares, attacks, thought, solves, cuts, run, fears, leave

yeaaah buddddy

To find the verb in each sentence, we need to identify the word that represents the action or state described in the sentence.

1. The people believe in the giant.
- Verb: believe
- Physical action: None
- Mental action: Believe (a mental state)

2. Clearly, the giant cares about the town of Barletta.
- Verb: cares
- Physical action: None
- Mental action: Cares (a mental state)

3. Unfortunately, an army attacks the town.
- Verb: attacks
- Physical action: Attacks (a physical action)

4. The people quickly identify the trouble.
- Verb: identify
- Physical action: Identify (a physical action)
- Mental action: None

5. With a little thought, the giant solves the problem.
- Verb: solves
- Physical action: Solves (a physical action)
- Mental action: None

6. He cuts an onion into two pieces.
- Verb: cuts
- Physical action: Cuts (a physical action)
- Mental action: None

7. The tears run down his face.
- Verb: run
- Physical action: Run (a physical action)
- Mental action: None

8. The army fears the giant and his friends.
- Verb: fears
- Physical action: None
- Mental action: Fears (a mental state)

9. At the end of the story, the soldiers leave town.
- Verb: leave
- Physical action: Leave (a physical action)
- Mental action: None

In these sentences, the physical actions are represented by verbs such as attacks, identify, solves, cuts, run, and leave. The mental actions are represented by verbs such as believe, cares, and fears.