15. If we do not follow up with clients, what is the risk that may happen?

A. the client will get lost in the system or drop out
B. the client may go to another provider or organization
C. services will cluster around the physical aspects
D. the client will may become dependent on services

The correct answer is B. the client may go to another provider or organization.

When we do not follow up with clients, there is a risk that they may seek services from another provider or organization. This can happen for several reasons.

Firstly, clients may feel neglected or unsatisfied if they do not receive adequate follow-up after initial contact. They may perceive this as a lack of interest or attention, leading them to seek services from another provider who demonstrates better communication and support.

Secondly, without proper follow-up, clients may experience delays or difficulties in accessing the services they need. This can be frustrating and discouraging for them, increasing the likelihood of them seeking help from alternative sources.

Lastly, if clients do not receive regular follow-up and support, they may feel unsupported and may not achieve the desired outcomes from the services they were initially seeking. This can lead to dissatisfaction and ultimately result in them seeking assistance from another provider who can offer more comprehensive support.

To mitigate these risks, it is essential to establish a system for regular follow-up with clients. This can be done through phone calls, emails, or other communication channels to ensure that their needs are being met. Regular follow-up helps build trust, maintain engagement, and address any concerns or issues that may arise, ultimately reducing the risk of clients seeking services elsewhere.