# 1.55

(1 pts.) Which of the following information led Dr. Tobin to conclude that Peter was suffering from bipolar disorder?

A) the fact that he reported having intense bouts of anxiety
B) the fact that he had recently been married and soon after was divorced
C) the fact that after he lost his job he experienced a psychotic episode
D) the fact that at the time he was in a period of elation but had previously experienced a period of depression

(my answer is D) AM I RIGHT?


To determine whether your answer is correct, we need to carefully analyze the information provided in each option. Let's review them one by one:

A) The fact that Peter reported having intense bouts of anxiety is a symptom often associated with various mental health conditions, including bipolar disorder. While this information may indicate a mental health issue, it alone is not sufficient to conclude that Peter suffers specifically from bipolar disorder.

B) Peter's recent marriage and subsequent divorce may be emotionally challenging, but it does not directly point towards bipolar disorder. Marital difficulties can have a negative impact on mental health, but bipolar disorder is typically diagnosed based on specific symptoms and patterns of behavior rather than life circumstances.

C) The fact that Peter experienced a psychotic episode after losing his job might be indicative of a mental health issue, but it does not specifically suggest bipolar disorder. Psychosis can be associated with various mental disorders, including bipolar disorder, but more information is needed for a conclusive diagnosis.

D) It is mentioned that Peter is currently experiencing a period of elation (mania/hypomania) but had previously experienced a period of depression. This information aligns with the characteristic cycling between extreme mood states (manic and depressive episodes) that is typical of bipolar disorder. This suggests that Peter might indeed be suffering from bipolar disorder.

Based on the analysis, it appears that your answer (D) is correct. The information provided in option D suggests the strongest association with bipolar disorder compared to the other options.