# 1.49

(1 pts.) Donna's clinician has requested that she undergo electroconvulsive therapy in an attempt to control her current, drastic suicidal impulses. What stage of treatment is she in?

A) immediate management
B) assessment of objectives
C) assessment of current functioning
D) management of objectives

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a. immediate management

To determine the stage of treatment that Donna is in, we need to understand the purpose of electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) and how it is typically used in treating mental health conditions. ECT is a medical procedure that involves passing electric currents through the brain to deliberately induce a seizure. It is typically used as a last resort for severe cases of mental illness, such as treatment-resistant depression or severe bipolar disorder, when other treatment options have been unsuccessful.

In Donna's case, her clinician has requested ECT to control her drastic suicidal impulses. This suggests that Donna's condition is severe and immediate intervention is required to manage her symptoms.

Now let's analyze the options provided to determine the correct stage of treatment:

A) Immediate management: This option involves taking immediate actions to stabilize the patient and manage their symptoms. Given that Donna is experiencing drastic suicidal impulses, this option seems appropriate.

B) Assessment of objectives: This stage involves setting specific treatment goals or objectives. Since Donna is already recommended for ECT, the assessment of objectives stage would have likely occurred prior to this.

C) Assessment of current functioning: This stage involves evaluating the patient's current level of functioning, including their symptoms, behaviors, and overall well-being. This could be relevant, but given the severity of Donna's condition, it seems less likely that this is the primary stage of treatment she is in.

D) Management of objectives: This stage involves implementing interventions and strategies to achieve the treatment objectives that have been identified. While managing objectives is an important aspect of treatment, the urgency of Donna's situation suggests that immediate management is required.

Based on the information provided, it is most likely that Donna is in the stage of immediate management (option A), where the focus is on stabilizing her and managing her severe symptoms through the use of electroconvulsive therapy.