i have a test tommorrow and i need help!

What is that one note called that has 4 beats?

In 4/4 time it's a whole note.


Sometimes it's called a semibreve.


You're welcome.

The note that has four beats is called a whole note. To understand this concept, it's helpful to have some basic knowledge of music notation. Here's how you can determine the name of a note based on its beats:

1. Learn the basic music notes: In music notation, there are several types of notes, such as whole notes, half notes, quarter notes, eighth notes, and sixteenth notes. Each note represents a certain duration or length of time.

2. Understand the whole note: A whole note is a fully filled oval-shaped notehead without a stem. It typically receives four beats in common time (also known as 4/4 time). In simple terms, it lasts for the entire duration of a measure in a 4/4 time signature.

3. Identify the number of beats: To determine the number of beats of a note, you need to consider the time signature of the piece of music. In the case of 4/4 time, four quarter notes would fill up one measure, and each quarter note receives one beat. Therefore, a whole note, which lasts for four beats, fills up an entire measure.

So, if you need to identify the note that has four beats, it is the whole note. Remember that the time signature and the number of beats in a measure may vary, which will affect the duration of the corresponding note.