does this sound write and look grammatically correct? Please and thank you

Odysseus the Curious took us inside a cave to eat. After we ate some cheeses the ugly Cyclops came along with his flock of sheep and rams. He put a gigantic boulder to block the exit of the cave. The whole crew was scared because we were stuck with a man-eating “thing.”

"cheese" not "cheeses"!

comma after "cheese"

Use "moved" rather than "put"

Everything else sounds fine.


You're welcome.

Yes, the passage you provided sounds correct and appears to be grammatically correct. However, I can give you some tips on how to check for grammatical correctness yourself:

1. Review sentence structure: Make sure each sentence has a subject and a verb, and that they are in agreement. Also, check for the correct use of commas and other punctuation marks.

2. Check verb tenses: Ensure that the verb tenses are consistent throughout the passage. In your example, you have used past tense consistently.

3. Verify pronoun and noun agreement: Make sure that pronouns (e.g., "we," "us") agree with the nouns they refer to (e.g., "crew"). Also, check for consistent use of singular or plural nouns.

4. Look for subject-verb agreement: Check that the verbs match the subjects in terms of singular or plural form.

5. Check for spelling and word usage: Verify that all words are spelled correctly, and take note of homonyms (words that sound the same but have different meanings) to ensure you are using the correct word.

By following these steps, you can independently assess the grammatical correctness of your writing.