How many moles of aluminum are needed to react completely with 1.2 mol of FeO?

2Al(s) + 3FeO(s)-- 3Fe(s) + Al2O3(s)

To determine the number of moles of aluminum needed to react completely with 1.2 mol of FeO, we can use the stoichiometric coefficients from the balanced equation.

From the equation: 2Al(s) + 3FeO(s) → 3Fe(s) + Al2O3(s)

We can see that 2 moles of aluminum react with 3 moles of FeO. This ratio of moles provides us with a conversion factor.

Conversion factor: 2 moles Al / 3 moles FeO

We can use this conversion factor to calculate the number of moles of aluminum needed.

Calculating moles of Al:
moles of Al = (moles of FeO * (2 moles Al / 3 moles FeO))

Given that there are 1.2 mol of FeO:
moles of Al = (1.2 mol FeO * (2 mol Al / 3 mol FeO))
moles of Al = 0.8 mol

Therefore, 0.8 moles of aluminum are needed to react completely with 1.2 moles of FeO.
