of radius 54 meters subtended by the central angle 1/9 radian.

s(arc length = meters

How is the answer 6?

s denotes the lenght of the arc of a circle of radius r subtended by the central angle 0. Find the missing quantity.
The radius r of the circle is ? feet

How is 24 the answer?

The length of an arc equals the radius times the angle in radians.

That is because the number of radians in a circle is defined to be 2 pi.

54 x (1/9) = 6

Your second question is incomplete. You need to know the central angle and arc length to compute the radius. I assume that your 0 is supposed to be Greek theta, not zero.

Thanks and yes it's suppose to be a Greek theta.

To determine the arc length (s) of a circle with a radius of 54 meters subtended by a central angle of 1/9 radian, you can use the formula:

s = r * θ

- s is the arc length
- r is the radius
- θ is the central angle

Plugging in the given values:
s = 54 * (1/9)

By simplifying the expression:
s = 6

Therefore, the arc length is 6 meters.

Regarding the second question:
If the length of the arc (s) of a circle with a radius (r) is given as 24 meters, and you need to find the missing quantity (the radius r), you can rearrange the formula:

s = r * θ

To solve for r, you can rearrange the formula as follows:

r = s / θ

Plugging in the given values:
r = 24 / 0

Since the central angle (θ) is missing, it is not possible to calculate the radius using this information alone. Please provide the value of the central angle (θ) to solve for the radius (r).

To find the length of an arc, you can use the formula: s = rθ.

For the first question, we are given a circle with a radius of 54 meters and a central angle of 1/9 radian. To find the length of the arc (s), we can substitute the given values into the formula:

s = 54m * (1/9) radian = 6 meters

So, the answer to the first question is 6 meters.

For the second question, we are given an arc length (s) and a central angle (θ = 0). The formula to find the missing quantity (radius, r) becomes:

s = r * θ

We are given that the arc length (s) is in feet, but the formula uses the radius (r) in the same unit. Since the value of 's' is not provided, we cannot determine the radius (r). Therefore, it is unclear how 24 could be the answer without more information.