I'm not understanding so the answer should read as follows and steps:

15x^4y^9 divided by 3x^2y^2 = 5x^2y^7

Can you check this one for me.

Direction. Simplify each of the following expressions where possible.

6x^2y^3+9x^2y^3 divided by 3x^2y^2

My answer:

15x^4y^6 divided by 3x^2y^2 =5x^2y^4

There is a + sign in the numerator. You may not add x2 to x2 and get x4. Multiply, yes, not add. Likewise, y3</suo>times y3 is y6 but the sum is not that.

My answer was garbled because I didn't use the superscripts right.

use liner combinations to solve the liner system

v - w = -5
v + 2w = 4

To simplify the expression (6x^2y^3 + 9x^2y^3) divided by 3x^2y^2, you can apply the following steps:

1. Combine the like terms in the numerator: 6x^2y^3 + 9x^2y^3 = 15x^2y^3.
The exponent of x remains the same when adding like terms, and the exponent of y also remains the same.

2. Divide 15x^2y^3 by 3x^2y^2:
To divide two terms with the same base (in this case, both terms have x^2 and y^2), subtract the exponent in the denominator from the exponent in the numerator.
15x^2y^3 / 3x^2y^2 = (15/3)x^2/x^2 * y^3/y^2.

Now, simplify each part of the division separately:

a. (15/3)x^2/x^2:
The x^2/x^2 simplifies to 1, as dividing by itself cancels out the common denominator.
So, (15/3)x^2/x^2 simplifies to (15/3) * 1, which is equal to 5.

b. y^3/y^2:
For the division of y^3/y^2, subtract the exponent in the denominator from the exponent in the numerator.
y^3/y^2 = y^(3-2) = y^1 = y.

Putting it all together, the expression simplifies to:
(6x^2y^3 + 9x^2y^3) / 3x^2y^2 = 5y.

Thus, the simplified expression is 5y.