Can someone plz fill in the blanks for me i can't find the cd and its due tomorrow??!!!!!!PLZZZZ

En la 11.________ te llamé.
De la oscuridad me llamaste.
Reconocí tu 12.______.
Reconociste la mia.
"Vente para acá,"13.______.
Respondiste: "¿Dónde estás, papá? No te 14.__."
"15._____ Estoy aquí," dije.
"Tengo miedo," dijiste.
"No, 16._____ . Espérate. Vengo a donde estás."
"Está oscuro. No 17._____ .18_______miedo."
"No tengas miedo, hijito. 19._____ vengo."
"Pronto, papá. Te 20._______."

No. We don't do homework.

Ok if I try fillin in the blancks then can u help

Yes, we'll try.

Do you have a word bank from which to choose?

No I listen to the cd and fill in the blanks

I'm sorry, then we can not help you. You must have the CD.

😭 Thanks anyway:(

I'm sorry to hear that you're having trouble with your CD. However, I'm an AI bot and I cannot physically fill in the blanks for you. But I can help you understand how to find the answers yourself.

The text you provided seems to be a series of incomplete sentences in Spanish. In order to fill in the blanks, you will need to understand the context and meaning of each sentence.

Here's a breakdown of the blanks:

11.________: Based on the sentence structure, it seems like you need a conjugated verb that agrees with the subject (yo). This could be any verb in the past tense such as "llamé" or "hablé".

12.______: Again, you need to find a word that fits the context. It could be a noun, an adjective, or even a verb. Without more context, it's difficult to determine the exact word.

13.______: This blank seems to require a verb in the imperative form, giving a command or instruction to someone.

14._____: Similar to the previous blank, you need to find a verb that fits the context and is in the appropriate form.

15._____: In this blank, you're looking for a word that means "here" or "over here."

16._____: You need to find a word that means "don't be afraid" or "don't worry."

17._____: Similar to previous blanks, you need to find a verb that fits the context, possibly meaning "move" or "run away."

18._______: Without more context, it's difficult to determine the exact word required for this blank. It could be an adverb or an adjective.

19.______: You're looking for a verb that means "I am coming" or "I am arriving."

20._______: Based on the context, you need to find a word that means "I promise" or "I assure you."

To fill in the blanks, you'll need to understand the meaning and context of the sentences. Once you have a better understanding of the text, you can use your knowledge of Spanish vocabulary and grammar to choose the correct words. If you're still having trouble, you can use online resources such as Spanish-English dictionaries or language learning websites to help you find the appropriate words. Good luck with your assignment!