Teachers need to strengthen their powers of observation when assessing young children. Which one of

the following statements about observing is correct?
A. The more each of us knows about child development, the more different our observations of the same child will be.
B. Two people who are observing the same child will come away with the same view.
C. The more you learn about children, the more you'll see when you observe.
D. It doesn't take much practice for us to develop our ability to see.

i think is (a) good luck =)

To identify the correct statement about observing when assessing young children, let's analyze each option:

A. The more each of us knows about child development, the more different our observations of the same child will be.
This statement suggests that by having more knowledge about child development, individuals may have different observations of the same child. While understanding child development can influence our observations, it does not necessarily mean that our observations will differ. Therefore, Option A is not necessarily correct.

B. Two people who are observing the same child will come away with the same view.
This statement implies that two individuals observing the same child will have the same observations. However, human perception and biases can lead to different interpretations and views even when observing the same subject. Therefore, Option B is not correct.

C. The more you learn about children, the more you'll see when you observe.
This statement states that the more one learns about children, the more they will be able to observe. This is a valid and accurate statement. As teachers gain knowledge about child development, they become more aware of the nuances, behavior patterns, and milestones, allowing them to notice more details during their observations. Hence, Option C is correct.

D. It doesn't take much practice for us to develop our ability to see.
This statement suggests that little practice is required to develop observation skills. However, observation skills, like any other skill, improve with practice. Teachers need to actively practice and refine their ability to observe young children to enhance their assessment abilities. Therefore, Option D is not correct.

In conclusion, the correct statement about observing when assessing young children is Option C: The more you learn about children, the more you'll see when you observe.