For which of the following organisms would you expect the DNA sequence to be least similar to the housefly’s?


im pretty sure its monkey but if someone else from connections could verify or help me out that would be great. or someone not from connections that just knows the answer. :)

(1 pt) monkey

(1 pt) The sample yields very little DNA, which means that it must be amplified to produce enough quantity to detect on a gel.
(1 pt) The sample taken from the crime scene should be analyzed for multiple DNA fragments.
(1 pt) All of the suspects can be ruled out.

since the others are all also insects, I'd expect the monkey to be least similar.

that's what I was thinking. thanks :)

your welcome bots

To determine which organism would have the least similar DNA sequence to a housefly, we need to consider the evolutionary relationships between these organisms. Organisms that are closely related tend to have more similar DNA sequences.

In this case, let's compare the four options given: butterfly, grasshopper, monkey, and beetle.

The butterfly belongs to the same order (Diptera) as the housefly, meaning they are more closely related. Therefore, we would expect their DNA sequences to be more similar.

The grasshopper belongs to a different order (Orthoptera) than the housefly, indicating they are less closely related. As a result, their DNA sequences would be less similar.

Monkeys, like humans, belong to the order Primates. While they are not closely related to insects, they are still distant relatives of the housefly. Therefore, their DNA sequences would be more similar compared to the grasshopper.

Beetles belong to a completely different order (Coleoptera) than the housefly. Consequently, their DNA sequences would be expected to be less similar.

Based on this reasoning, we can conclude that the organism with the least similar DNA sequence to the housefly among the given options is the grasshopper (option B).