Mike is swinging at the playground. At one point, he is moving at 2 m/s. His mass is 72 kg, and he is 0.6 m off the ground. What is his mechanical energy?

To find Mike's mechanical energy, we need to consider two components: potential energy and kinetic energy.

1. Potential energy (PE):
The potential energy of an object is given by the formula PE = m * g * h, where m is the mass, g is the acceleration due to gravity (9.8 m/s²), and h is the height.

PE = 72 kg * 9.8 m/s² * 0.6 m
PE = 423.36 Joules

2. Kinetic energy (KE):
The kinetic energy of an object is given by the formula KE = 1/2 * m * v², where m is the mass and v is the velocity.

KE = 1/2 * 72 kg * (2 m/s)²
KE = 144 Joules

Now, we can find the mechanical energy by adding the potential energy and kinetic energy:

Mechanical Energy = PE + KE
Mechanical Energy = 423.36 Joules + 144 Joules
Mechanical Energy ≈ 567.36 Joules

Therefore, Mike's mechanical energy is approximately 567.36 Joules.