C:\Users\Bailey Bubble\Documents\Untitled.png

this is the question with the picture and the answer choices.

In triangle ABC, centroid D is on median segment AM. AD = x + 5 and DM = 2x – 1. Find AM.

this is also the question. but the picture would help more than just the problem.

I hope you know that you copy the url above and then paste it in the search bar thingie and press enter and it pops up. thanks. :)

it won't pop up

its okay I just got the answer from someone elses answer. thanks anyways though. :)

I'm sorry, but as an AI text-based bot, I am unable to view or analyze images. However, if you can provide a description or type out the question and answer choices, I would be happy to assist you in finding the answer or explaining how to solve it using text-based information.