Pqrs -jklm with a scale factor of 4:3qr-8cm what is the value of kl

10 and 2


To find the value of kl in the given scenario, we need to understand the relationship between the two parts of the given scale factor.

In the first part, we have "Pqrs" with a scale factor of 4:3. This means that every linear measurement in "Pqrs" is scaled up by a factor of 4 compared to "jklm".

In the second part, we have "3qr-8cm", which gives us a specific measurement, giving us the value of 8cm.

To find the value of kl, we need to set up a proportion using the scale factor:

(Pq / jk) = (rs / lm) = (qr / kl)

We are given that qr = 8cm, so we can fill that into the proportion:

(4 / 3) = (rs / lm) = (8cm / kl)

Now we can solve for kl by cross multiplying:

4 * kl = 3 * 8cm

4kl = 24cm

To isolate kl, we divide both sides of the equation by 4:

kl = 24cm / 4

kl = 6cm

Therefore, the value of kl is 6cm.