Is it possible to have a figure an area of 9 square units and a perimeter of 30? If not, why? (PS I don't think it is possible.)



that is for a rectangle.

L=13.5, W=13.5/9=you do it.

sure maximum area for a given perimeter is a square.

A square with perimeter 30 has area 7.5^2 = 56.25

So, since 9 < 56.25, we can find such a rectangle.

If the width is x, then the length is 15-x, so

x(15-x) = 9
x^2 - 15x - 9 = 0
x = 3/2 (5 - √21) = 0.62614

the rectangle has area

= 9/4 (5-√21)(5+√21)
= 9/4 (25-21)
= 9/4 * 4
= 9



that is for a rectangle.

L=13.5, W=13.5/9=you do it.

W=9/L, not W=L/9

To determine if it is possible to have a figure with an area of 9 square units and a perimeter of 30, let's start with some basic geometric concepts.

The area of a figure refers to the amount of space it occupies, usually measured in square units. The perimeter, on the other hand, refers to the total length of the boundary of a figure.

Let's assume that the figure in question is a rectangle, as rectangles are simple and commonly studied in geometry. If the length of the rectangle is L units and the width is W units, then the area is given by the formula A = L x W, and the perimeter is given by the formula P = 2L + 2W.

According to the problem, we need to find a rectangle with an area of 9 square units and a perimeter of 30 units. So we have:

A = 9
P = 30

Substituting these values into the formulas, we get:

9 = L x W (equation 1)
30 = 2L + 2W (equation 2)

Now, let's analyze equation 1. We are looking for two numbers that, when multiplied, equal 9. The factors of 9 are 1 and 9, or 3 and 3. So we have three possible pairs for the dimensions of the rectangle: 1 x 9, 9 x 1, or 3 x 3.

Now, let's analyze equation 2. If we substitute the dimensions of the rectangle into this equation, only one of these pairs will satisfy it.

For pair 1 x 9:
30 = 2(1) + 2(9)
30 = 2 + 18
30 ≠ 20

For pair 9 x 1:
30 = 2(9) + 2(1)
30 = 18 + 2
30 ≠ 20

For pair 3 x 3:
30 = 2(3) + 2(3)
30 = 6 + 6
30 ≠ 12

As we can see, none of the pairs satisfy the equation P = 30. Therefore, it is not possible to have a figure with an area of 9 square units and a perimeter of 30 units.

In summary, the reason it is not possible is that no pair of dimensions exists that can create a rectangle with an area of 9 square units and a perimeter of 30 units.