Read the sentenced Add commas when they are needed.

I don't know how to skate but I can learn.
Comma after skate

Mom and Dad fixed dinner and my sister and I washed the dishes.
Comma after dinner

I wanted to go yet something held me back.
Comma after go

I had a sandwich milk and an apple for lunch.
Comma after sandwich and after milk

The menu offered macaroni and cheese salad and spaghetti with meatballs.
Comma after cheese and salad

All are right.

To determine where commas are needed in the given sentences, you can follow a few punctuation rules:

1. Commas are used to separate items in a list, so if you have a series of items, you usually need a comma between each item.

2. Commas are used to separate independent clauses in a compound sentence.

Now let's go through each sentence and see where commas are needed:

1. "I don't know how to skate but I can learn."
Here, we have two independent clauses joined with the coordinating conjunction "but." Therefore, we need a comma before the conjunction to separate the two clauses: "I don't know how to skate, but I can learn."

2. "Mom and Dad fixed dinner and my sister and I washed the dishes."
This sentence also contains two independent clauses connected by the coordinating conjunction "and." So, we need a comma before the conjunction: "Mom and Dad fixed dinner, and my sister and I washed the dishes."

3. "I wanted to go yet something held me back."
In this sentence, there are no independent clauses or items in a list, so no commas are needed.

4. "I had a sandwich, milk, and an apple for lunch."
Here, we have a list of items (sandwich, milk, and an apple), so we need commas between each item: "I had a sandwich, milk, and an apple for lunch."

5. "The menu offered macaroni and cheese salad and spaghetti with meatballs."
Similar to the previous sentence, we have a list of items (macaroni and cheese salad, and spaghetti with meatballs). So, we need a comma between each item: "The menu offered macaroni and cheese salad, and spaghetti with meatballs."

Remember, these rules provide general guidelines, but there might be exceptions or additional considerations when it comes to comma usage.