Please help! How do I find the mean weight of 2 groups of 100 kids... 1st grp mean weight is 55.7lbs and 2nd grp mean weight is 42.6lbs.

You need to add them weight then divide by the number of kids

To find the mean weight of the two groups, you need to calculate the overall or combined mean weight.

Step 1: Multiply the mean weight of the first group (55.7 lbs) by the number of children in that group (100). The result will give you the total weight of the first group.

55.7 lbs * 100 = 5570 lbs

Step 2: Repeat the same calculation for the second group. Multiply the mean weight of the second group (42.6 lbs) by the number of children in that group (100).

42.6 lbs * 100 = 4260 lbs

Step 3: Add the total weights of the two groups together.

5570 lbs + 4260 lbs = 9830 lbs

Step 4: Divide the total weight by the total number of children in both groups (200) to find the overall mean weight.

9830 lbs / 200 = 49.15 lbs

Therefore, the mean weight of the two groups combined is 49.15 lbs.