I have created VB2008 Windows Application. It works very well. My question is - how to share it with my classmates? Within VB6, I was able to create *.exe file. I have no idea how to covert my VB2008 Project to be run within a Windows environment.

Thank you.

To share your VB2008 Windows Application with your classmates, you have a few options:

1. Create an executable file:
a. In Visual Studio 2008, open your project.
b. Go to the "Build" menu and select "Publish <project_name>".
c. In the "Publish" tab, choose a location where you want to publish your application.
d. Click "Publish" to generate the files.
e. Once the publishing process is complete, you will find an ".exe" file in the designated location. You can share this executable file with your classmates, and they can run it on their Windows machines.

2. Create a setup installer:
a. In Visual Studio 2008, open your project.
b. Go to the "Build" menu and select "Publish <project_name>".
c. In the "Publish" tab, choose a location where you want to publish your application.
d. Select the "Install from CD-ROM" option and click "Next".
e. Specify any additional publishing options and click "Finish".
f. Once the publishing process is complete, you will find a setup executable file in the designated location. You can share this installer with your classmates, and they can run it on their Windows machines, which will install your application.

3. Share the project files:
a. If you want your classmates to be able to modify and build the application themselves, you can share the entire VB2008 project folder with them. They would need to have Visual Studio 2008 or a compatible version installed on their machines to open and run the project.

Once you have selected the appropriate method based on your requirements, you can share the files with your classmates via email, cloud storage services, or any other file sharing method you prefer.