Solve the equation. a + 1/3 = 6/7.

Idk student is correct did the math

It's d. 11/21

To solve the equation a + 1/3 = 6/7, we need to isolate the variable "a" on one side of the equation.

1. Start by subtracting 1/3 from both sides of the equation:
(a + 1/3) - 1/3 = (6/7) - 1/3
a = 6/7 - 1/3

2. Next, we need to find a common denominator for the fractions 6/7 and 1/3. The smallest common denominator is 21, as it is divisible by both 7 and 3.

Rewriting the fractions with the common denominator:
a = (18/21) - (7/21)

3. Subtract the fractions:
a = 18/21 - 7/21
a = 11/21

Therefore, the solution to the equation a + 1/3 = 6/7 is a = 11/21.

It looks like you're homework dumping and trying to cheat.

I'll be glad to check your answer.