A 125 ball has a kinetic energy 33.6

What is the magnitude of it's momentum?
What is the speed?

KE=mv²/2 = (mv)²/2m =p²/2m

p=sqrt(2m•KE) = ...
p=mv =>

To find the magnitude of an object's momentum, you can use the following equation:

Momentum = mass × velocity

Let's say the mass of the ball is 125 kg. We need to find the velocity in order to calculate the momentum.

To do that, we'll relate the kinetic energy (KE) of the ball to its velocity using the formula:

KE = (1/2) × mass × velocity^2

Given that the kinetic energy is 33.6 J, we can now solve for the velocity.

33.6 = (1/2) × 125 × velocity^2

First, let's multiply (1/2) and 125:

33.6 = 62.5 × velocity^2

Now, let's isolate the velocity^2 term by dividing both sides of the equation by 62.5:

velocity^2 = 33.6 / 62.5

velocity^2 = 0.5376

To solve for the velocity, we can take the square root of both sides:

velocity = √0.5376

velocity ≈ 0.733 m/s

Now that we have the velocity, we can calculate the magnitude of the ball's momentum using the formula mentioned earlier:

Momentum = mass × velocity

Momentum = 125 kg × 0.733 m/s

Momentum ≈ 91.63 kg·m/s

So, the magnitude of the ball's momentum is approximately 91.63 kg·m/s, and the speed of the ball is approximately 0.733 m/s.