Which elements of a story can help you predict early on what a story will be about? Select all that apply

the author's name
first paragrahph
illstrations and captions

i know its b,c,d but could a be one?

I'd think a could be one ONLY if you already associate him/her with certain types of stories:

Poe - creepiness, mystery, Gothic
Hillerman - mystery, Navajo beliefs, cops
Michener - historical settings and plots, but fictional characters ...

The authors is Virgina Driving Hawk Sneve.

And the story is about indians.

She is a indian

Does she ALWAYS write about Indians???

It says that she has writtn many books about the history and culture of natives american peoples

I wouldn't include "a" unless YOU KNOW that she ALWAYS writes about Indians/Native Americans.

In this case, the author's name alone is not a reliable element for predicting early on what a story will be about. While knowing the author's previous works or style may give some insight, it does not provide direct indications about the content of the specific story you are trying to predict.

However, the other options you mentioned, such as the first paragraph, title, illustrations, and captions, can indeed give valuable clues about the story's content:

- The first paragraph often introduces the setting, characters, or conflict, providing initial hints about the story.
- The title of a story is usually carefully chosen to give readers an idea of the main theme or subject.
- Illustrations and captions can provide visual information that hints at the story's topic or events.

So, in this case, options (b) first paragraph, (c) title, and (d) illustrations and captions are more reliable elements for predicting what a story will be about compared to option (a) the author's name.