In January 2010, the Burj Khalifa Tower officially became the tallest building in the world. This tower has a curtain wall (the exterior skin of the building) that is approximately 133,500 square yards. Convert this to square feet.

1 square yard = 9 square feet

To convert square yards to square feet, you need to know the conversion factor between these two units.

1 yard is equal to 3 feet.

To convert square yards to square feet, you square the conversion factor (3) and multiply by the given value in square yards.

So, the conversion factor is 3 * 3 = 9.

To convert the area from square yards to square feet, you would multiply the given area in square yards (133,500) by this conversion factor (9):

133,500 square yards * 9 = 1,201,500 square feet.

Therefore, the curtain wall of the Burj Khalifa Tower is approximately 1,201,500 square feet.