copper (II) flourine comtains 37.42 % of mass. use this percentage to calculate the mass of flourine in grams contained in 28.5 g of copper (II) flourine 

You have a bushel of apples and other fruits; the percent apples = 25%. How many apples do you have if the total number of items = 108. Obviously you will do 108 x 0.25 = 27 apples. That's no different with atoms.

%F in CuF is 37.42%.
So mass F in 28.5g CuF2 is 28.5 x 0.3742 =

To calculate the mass of fluorine in copper (II) fluoride, we need to know the molar mass of copper (II) fluoride first.

The molar mass of copper (II) fluoride can be calculated by adding the atomic masses of copper (Cu) and fluorine (F).

The atomic mass of copper (Cu) is 63.55 g/mol, and the atomic mass of fluorine (F) is 18.998 g/mol.

So, the molar mass of copper (II) fluoride is:
Molar mass = (2 x atomic mass of copper) + (molar mass of fluorine)
Molar mass = (2 x 63.55 g/mol) + 18.998 g/mol
Molar mass = 127.1 g/mol + 18.998 g/mol
Molar mass = 146.098 g/mol

Now, we will use the given percentage of mass to calculate the mass of fluorine in 28.5 g of copper (II) fluoride.

First, calculate the ratio of the mass of fluorine to the molar mass of copper (II) fluoride:

Percent mass of fluorine = Mass of fluorine / Mass of copper (II) fluoride * 100
37.42 = Mass of fluorine / 146.098 * 100

Solve the equation for the mass of fluorine:

Mass of fluorine = (37.42/100) * 146.098
Mass of fluorine = 54.640 g

Therefore, the mass of fluorine in 28.5 g of copper (II) fluoride is approximately 54.640 grams.