How is Modernity reflected in the movie Metropolis

To understand how Modernity is reflected in the movie Metropolis, we first need to understand what Modernity means. Modernity refers to the intellectual and cultural movement that emerged during the 18th and 19th centuries, characterized by the rise of industrialization, urbanization, and technological advancements.

In the movie Metropolis, directed by Fritz Lang in 1927, we see several elements that reflect Modernity:

1. Industrialization: The movie takes place in a futuristic city where massive skyscrapers dominate the landscape. These towering structures represent the rapid urbanization and industrialization that occurred during the early 20th century.

2. Technological advancements: Metropolis showcases advanced technologies, such as the creation of robots. The robot Maria, for example, is an artificial being that embodies both the potential and dangers of technology. This reflects the fascination with technological progress and the anxieties surrounding it during the Modern era.

3. Social stratification: The movie explores the stark divisions between social classes, depicting a stark contrast between the wealthy elites living above ground in luxury and the working-class laborers toiling underground in harsh conditions. This class divide represents the social inequalities that came with industrialization and urbanization.

4. Mass culture and media: Metropolis depicts the power of mass media in shaping public opinion and controlling the masses. The use of propaganda, the manipulation of information, and the ability to incite mobs reflect the growing influence of mass culture and media during the Modern era.

To dive deeper into how Modernity is reflected in the movie Metropolis, you can analyze visual elements, the narrative structure, the themes explored, and the historical context in which the film was made. Additionally, researching film history and the societal changes that occurred during the early 20th century will provide a broader understanding of how Modernity influenced the film's interpretation of the world.