Jordan starts at his home and bikes along a country road. He bikes at a constant speed. Twenty minutes later he passes Stephanie's house; he knows he is 2 kilometers away from his home. Another one of his friends, Jacob lives 4 kilometers further down the same road.

A) How much longer would Jordan have to ride his bike to reach Jacob's house? (He would have to ride another 20 minutes(?) <--That was my answer but I am unsure of it because I don't know the total distance travelled in the beginning hence my confusion of whether I am correct or not)
B) How long will Jordan take to ride his bike 10km?

To answer question A, we need to determine the distance between Stephanie's house and Jacob's house. Given that Jordan passes Stephanie's house 20 minutes after starting at his home and is 2 kilometers away from his home at that point, we can infer that Stephanie's house is 2 kilometers away from Jordan's home.

Since Jacob's house is 4 kilometers further down the same road from Stephanie's house, the total distance from Jordan's home to Jacob's house would be the sum of the distances between Jordan's home and Stephanie's house and between Stephanie's house and Jacob's house. Therefore, the distance from Jordan's home to Jacob's house would be 2 kilometers + 4 kilometers = 6 kilometers.

Now, let's answer question B. We know that Jordan bikes at a constant speed and it took him 20 minutes to cover 2 kilometers. To find out how long it would take him to cover 10 kilometers, we can set up a proportion:

2 kilometers / 20 minutes = 10 kilometers / x minutes

Cross-multiplying, we get:

2 * x = 20 * 10
2x = 200
x = 200 / 2
x = 100

Therefore, Jordan would take 100 minutes to ride 10 kilometers.