•You and three (3) of your friends were in the same advance placement high school chemistry class in high school. All four (4) of you decided to take the same chemistry class together at the local university along with 21 other students. On the first day of class, the professor suggested that the class break up into five (5) study groups and she indicated that this class is graded on a bell-shaped curve.

What is your question?

Use the no lack of big game political cartoon to answer the question.

In the image, the animals represent Explain
A. trusts
B. tycoons
C. small businesses
D. government agencies

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In this scenario, there are a total of 25 students in the chemistry class, including yourself and your three friends. The professor suggests breaking up into five study groups, which means each group should ideally have 25 divided by 5, which is 5 students per group. However, since there are only four of you and 21 other students, this division is not possible to have equal group sizes.

To determine how the class will be divided into study groups, we can analyze the possibilities:

Option 1: Each group consists of 5 students. In this case, there will be 5 groups and one group will have only 4 students (including you and your friends). The other 4 groups will have 5 students each.

Option 2: Each group consists of 4 students. In this case, there will be 6 groups. You and your friends can be split into different groups, and the remaining 21 students will form 5 groups.

It's important to note that the professor suggests the class will be graded on a bell-shaped curve. This means that the class grades will be distributed based on a statistical distribution, with some students receiving higher grades and some lower grades, following a normal distribution curve.

Understanding this curve is vital as it helps you realize that the group formation may not have a significant impact on the final grades. The distribution of grades will depend on the performance of all the students in the class rather than group assignments.

To excel in this class, it is crucial to focus on your individual performance, study diligently, seek help when needed, and collaborate with classmates, regardless of which group you end up in.