how to make "nous allons en classe pendant le week-end" negative

"nous n'allons pas en classe pendant le week-end"

what is this word when unscrambled to french uleicrue

To make the sentence "Nous allons en classe pendant le week-end" negative in French, you can use the word "ne" before the verb "allons" and the word "pas" after it. Here is a step-by-step breakdown:

1. Start with the original sentence: "Nous allons en classe pendant le week-end."
2. Place "ne" before the verb "allons": "Nous ne allons en classe pendant le week-end."
3. Add "pas" after the verb "allons": "Nous ne allons pas en classe pendant le week-end."

The negative form of "Nous allons en classe pendant le week-end" is "Nous ne allons pas en classe pendant le week-end," which translates to "We don't go to class during the weekend."

To make the sentence "nous allons en classe pendant le week-end" negative in French, you need to use the negative form of the verb "aller" and include the word "ne" before the verb. Here is how you can make the sentence negative:

"Nous n'allons pas en classe pendant le week-end."

To break it down:

1. Start with the original sentence: "nous allons en classe pendant le week-end."
2. Identify the verb in the sentence, which is "allons" (the first-person plural form of "aller," meaning "to go").
3. Place "ne" before the verb to indicate negation: "n'allons."
4. Add the word "pas" after the verb to complete the negative construction: "n'allons pas."
5. Finally, the translated sentence becomes "Nous n'allons pas en classe pendant le week-end," which means "We don't go to class during the weekend."

Now you know how to transform an affirmative sentence into a negative sentence in French!