why is the answer to this question no real root?


Because -81^3 is a negative number. If you take a 1/4 root of any negative number (which is the same thing as taking a square root twice), you get imaginary or complex (real + imaginary) numbers.

the third power of -81 is a negative number

you can not take a square root of a negative number and get a real number.
(1/4) power is square root of square root.

To determine why the expression (-81)^3/4 does not have a real root, we need to understand the concept of exponentiation and the properties of real numbers.

The expression (-81)^3/4 involves raising a negative number to a non-integer power. Let's break it down step-by-step:

1. Start with the base number: -81.
2. Raise -81 to the power of 3/4.

To simplify this further, we can rewrite -81 as (-1) * (81) since -81 is the product of -1 and 81.

Now, let's apply the properties of exponents:

((-1) * 81)^(3/4)

Now, we distribute the exponent to each factor:

(-1)^(3/4) * 81^(3/4)

Let's first focus on the exponent (-1)^(3/4). The exponent of 3/4 means we need to take the fourth root of -1 and then raise it to the power of 3.

Taking the fourth root, we find that (-1)^(1/4) equals the complex number i. This means that (-1)^(3/4) is equal to i^3, which is -i.

Now, let's return to our simplification:

(-i) * 81^(3/4)

Since 81 is a positive real number, raising it to any power (including 3/4) will always result in a positive real number.

So, the expression (-81)^3/4 simplifies to -i times a positive real number.

Since there is no way to express a complex number multiplied by a positive real number as a single real number, we conclude that there is no real root to the expression (-81)^3/4.