An airplane flew 1500 miles in 2.5 hours. How many kilometers is this per hour


To convert miles to kilometers, we can use the conversion factor that 1 mile is equal to approximately 1.60934 kilometers.

To find out the kilometers per hour (km/h), we need to divide the total distance traveled in kilometers (1500 miles * 1.60934 km/mile) by the total time in hours (2.5 hours).

1500 miles * 1.60934 km/mile = 2414.01 kilometers
2414.01 kilometers / 2.5 hours = 965.60 km/h

Therefore, the airplane flew at a speed of approximately 965.60 kilometers per hour.

965.604, but I rounded to the nearest tenth and got ----> 966


1500/2.5 = 600 mph

1 km = 1.60934 miles

600 * 1.60934 = ______km per hour