if there are x,y and z are three piston what is the area of piston y and how much force is exerted in the condition of friction is zero.

To determine the area of piston y and the force exerted when friction is zero, we would need additional information such as the force applied or pressure in the system. However, I can explain the general concept and equations involved.

The pressure exerted by a piston can be calculated using the equation:

Pressure = Force / Area

where Pressure is measured in units like pascals (Pa), Force is measured in newtons (N), and Area is measured in square meters (m²).

If we assume that the pressure is the same on all pistons (x, y, and z) and the friction is zero, then the pressure equation can be rearranged as:

Force = Pressure * Area

To find the area of piston y or any other piston, you would need to measure or know the force and pressure values.

If you provide the force or pressure values, I can help you calculate the area of piston y and the force exerted.