Draw a picture Draw two ways to show 43

using place-value blocks.

5 rows of 8 blocks + 1 row of 3 blocks

What else can you think of?

To draw the number 43 using place-value blocks, you would need blocks to represent the tens and ones place values. Here are two ways to represent 43 using place-value blocks:

Method 1: Base-10 Blocks
1. Start with four tens blocks (representing the number 40).
2. Add three ones blocks (representing the number 3).
3. Arrange the blocks to show 43, with the four tens blocks on top and the three ones blocks below.

Method 2: Expanded Form
1. Use four longs (representing tens) and three units (representing ones).
2. Arrange them in a vertical manner, with the four longs on top and the three units below.

By using any of these methods, you can visually represent the number 43 using place-value blocks.