What is the population of:Nile Valley,Ganges Valley and Eastern China


Please define more specifically what you mean by these regions. Eastern China, for instance, can encompass different areas.

To find the population of Nile Valley, Ganges Valley, and Eastern China, you can follow these steps:

1. Nile Valley:
- Start by searching for the population of Egypt, as the Nile Valley is mostly located in Egypt.
- According to the latest data, the population of Egypt is around 104 million people (as of 2021).
- However, it's important to note that the Nile Valley extends beyond Egypt to Sudan and other countries. So, if you want a more accurate estimate, you may need to consider the population of the other countries as well.

2. Ganges Valley:
- Look up the population of India, as the Ganges Valley is mainly located in India.
- As of 2021, the population of India is approximately 1.366 billion people.
- It's worth mentioning that the Ganges Valley covers several states in India, so the population might not be precisely limited to the valley itself.

3. Eastern China:
- Search for the population of China, as Eastern China is a significant part of the country.
- Currently, China has the largest population in the world, with approximately 1.4 billion people (as of 2021).
- Eastern China encompasses several densely populated provinces, including Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Shanghai, and Shandong, where the majority of China's population is concentrated.

Please keep in mind that population figures are constantly changing due to various factors, such as births, deaths, and migration. Therefore, it is always a good idea to double-check the latest statistics for the most accurate population data.