How many moles of glucose would be present in:

1Litre of a 5micromolar solution?

To determine the number of moles of glucose present in a given solution, you first need to know the molar concentration and the volume of the solution.

Molar concentration = 5 micromolar = 5 x 10^-6 M
Volume of the solution = 1 Liter = 1 L

To calculate the moles of glucose, you can use the formula:

moles = molar concentration x volume

Substituting the given values into the formula:

moles of glucose = (5 x 10^-6 M) x (1 L)

Now, let's solve the equation:

moles of glucose = 5 x 10^-6

Therefore, in 1 Liter of a 5 micromolar solution, there would be 5 x 10^-6 moles of glucose.