n=0.002 g/mol

I don't see a question.

I'm confused whats the problem looks to me all you need to do is plug and chug.to find temperature make sure it is in kelvin.

There is no making sure. It WILL be in kelvin.

To find the value of T in the equation T = PV/nR, you need to substitute the given values of P, V, n, and R.

P = 0.96 atmospheres (atm)
V = 0.045 liters (L)
n = 0.002 moles (mol)
R = 0.082057 liter atm per mole Kelvin (L atm / mol K)

Now you can substitute these values into the equation:

T = (0.96 atm * 0.045 L) / (0.002 mol * 0.082057 L atm / mol K)

First, let's simplify the numerator:

0.96 atm * 0.045 L = 0.0432 L atm

Now let's simplify the denominator:

0.002 mol * 0.082057 L atm / mol K

0.002 mol * 0.082057 L atm / mol K = 0.000164114 L atm / K

Now we can substitute the simplified values into the equation:

T = (0.0432 L atm) / (0.000164114 L atm / K)

Now, to calculate T, divide the numerator by the denominator:

T = 263.549 K

Therefore, the value of T in the equation T = PV/nR, with the given values of P, V, n, and R, is 263.549 K.