The demand function for a certain brand of CD is given by the following equation where p is the wholesale unit price in dollars and x is the quantity demanded each week, measured in units of a thousand.


Determine the consumers' surplus if the wholesale market price is set at $4/disc. (Round your answer to two decimal places.)

To determine the consumer surplus, we first need to find the quantity demanded at a price of $4 per disc. We can do this by substituting $4 for p in the demand function and solving for x.

p = 4

Substituting p = 4 into the demand function:
4 = -0.01x^2 - 0.1x + 6

Rearranging the equation:
0 = -0.01x^2 - 0.1x + 2

To solve this quadratic equation, we can use the quadratic formula. The quadratic formula states that for an equation of the form ax^2 + bx + c = 0, the solutions for x can be found using the formula:

x = (-b ± √(b^2 - 4ac)) / (2a)

In our case, a = -0.01, b = -0.1, and c = 2. Plugging these values into the quadratic formula, we get:

x = (-(-0.1) ± √((-0.1)^2 - 4(-0.01)(2))) / (2(-0.01))

Simplifying further:
x = (0.1 ± √(0.01 + 0.08)) / (-0.02)

x = (0.1 ± √0.09) / (-0.02)

x = (0.1 ± 0.3) / (-0.02)

We have two possible solutions:

1. x = (0.1 + 0.3) / (-0.02) = 0.4 / (-0.02) = -20
2. x = (0.1 - 0.3) / (-0.02) = -0.2 / (-0.02) = 10

Since x represents the quantity demanded, we can discard the negative value (-20) as it does not make sense in this context, leaving us with x = 10.

Therefore, at a wholesale price of $4/disc, the quantity demanded is 10 thousand units.

Now, to calculate the consumer surplus, we need to find the area under the demand curve up to the price of $4. This can be done by taking the integral of the demand function from x = 0 to x = 10 and then subtracting this value from the area of the rectangle with base x = 10 and height p = 4.

The formula for calculating consumer surplus is:
Consumer Surplus = (1/2) * [p * x - integral of (p dx)] from 0 to 10

Let's calculate it:

Consumer Surplus = (1/2) * [(4 * 10) - integral of ((-0.01x^2 - 0.1x + 6) dx)] from 0 to 10

Consumer Surplus = (1/2) * [40 - integral of (-0.01x^2 - 0.1x + 6) dx] from 0 to 10

To find the integral of the demand function, we can integrate each term separately:

Integral of (-0.01x^2 - 0.1x + 6) dx = (-0.01 * (x^3/3)) - (0.1 * (x^2/2)) + (6 * x) + C

Evaluating the integral from 0 to 10:

Consumer Surplus = (1/2) * [40 - (((-0.01 * (10^3/3)) - (0.1 * (10^2/2)) + (6 * 10)) - ((-0.01 * (0^3/3)) - (0.1 * (0^2/2)) + (6 * 0))))]

Consumer Surplus = 20 - [(-0.01 * (1000/3)) - (0.1 * (100/2)) + 60]

Now, we can simplify this expression:

Consumer Surplus = 20 - [(-0.01 * 333.33) - (0.1 * 50) + 60]

Consumer Surplus = 20 - (-3.33 - 5 + 60)

Consumer Surplus = 20 - 51.33

Consumer Surplus = -31.33

Since consumer surplus cannot be negative, we round the result to two decimal places and obtain:

Consumer Surplus = $0.00

Therefore, the consumer surplus in this case is $0.00.