need to convert 5.26g/cm3 to m3

There are 100 cm in a m.

To convert from grams per cubic centimeter (g/cm³) to cubic meters (m³), you need to use the following conversion rule:

1 m³ = 1,000,000 cm³

Here's how to convert 5.26 g/cm³ to m³:

1. Start with the value given: 5.26 g/cm³.
2. Use the conversion factor above to convert cm³ to m³. Since 1 m³ is equal to 1,000,000 cm³, you divide 5.26 by 1,000,000.
5.26 g/cm³ / 1,000,000 cm³ = 0.00000526 g/m³.
3. The result is 0.00000526 g/m³, which can be written as 5.26 x 10^-6 g/m³ or 5.26 μg/m³ (micrograms per cubic meter).

Therefore, 5.26 g/cm³ is equal to 5.26 x 10^-6 g/m³ or 5.26 μg/m³.