How do i Create a program that determine the shipping cost for an order based on the following chart: 

From To Price 
$0.00 $19.00 $2.95 
$20.00 $49.99 $3.95 
$50.00 $74.99 $4.95 
$75.00 $1000.00 $Free

To create a program that determines the shipping cost for an order based on the given chart, you would need to use conditional statements in your program. Here's an example of how you can do it in a programming language like Python:

1. Start by defining a function that takes the order amount as a parameter and returns the shipping cost:

def calculate_shipping_cost(order_amount):

2. Inside the function, you can use conditional statements (if-elif-else) to check the order amount and determine the appropriate shipping cost:

if order_amount >= 0 and order_amount <= 19.00:
shipping_cost = 2.95
elif order_amount >= 20.00 and order_amount <= 49.99:
shipping_cost = 3.95
elif order_amount >= 50.00 and order_amount <= 74.99:
shipping_cost = 4.95
elif order_amount >= 75.00 and order_amount <= 1000.00:
shipping_cost = 0.00 # Shipping is free
shipping_cost = None # Handle invalid input

3. Finally, return the calculated shipping cost from the function:

return shipping_cost

4. Outside the function, you can call it with an order amount to get the shipping cost:

order_amount = 35.50
shipping_cost = calculate_shipping_cost(order_amount)
print(f'The shipping cost for an order of ${order_amount} is ${shipping_cost}')

This is just a basic example to demonstrate the logic of determining the shipping cost based on the chart. You can modify and adapt it according to the programming language you are using.

Remember that this example assumes the order amount is a floating-point number, so make sure to handle different data types appropriately. Additionally, you should consider adding error handling for cases where the order amount falls outside the defined ranges or is invalid in some other way.