How do i Create a program that devtermine the shipping cost for an order based on the following chart:

From To Price
$0.00 $19.00 $2.95
$20.00 $49.99 $3.95
$50.00 $74.99 $4.95
$75.00 $1000.00 $Free

To create a program that determines the shipping cost based on the given chart, you can follow these steps:

1. Start by asking the user to input the order value.
2. Use conditional statements (if-else or switch-case) to check the order value against the chart ranges.
3. Calculate and return the corresponding shipping cost based on the order value range.

Here is an example Python program that you can use as a starting point:

def calculate_shipping_cost(order_value):
if order_value < 20.00:
shipping_cost = 2.95
elif order_value < 50.00:
shipping_cost = 3.95
elif order_value < 75.00:
shipping_cost = 4.95
shipping_cost = 0.00

return shipping_cost

# Main program
order_value = float(input("Enter the order value: $"))
shipping_cost = calculate_shipping_cost(order_value)
print("The shipping cost for this order is: $" + str(shipping_cost))

In this Python program, the `calculate_shipping_cost` function takes the order value as an input parameter and uses if-elif-else statements to determine the appropriate shipping cost. The calculated shipping cost is then returned.

In the main program, the user is prompted to enter the order value, which is then passed to the `calculate_shipping_cost` function. The resulting shipping cost is displayed as output.

You can modify and adapt this program to suit your specific programming language and requirements.